hi alg
Andreas Löschner-Gornau
German artist on Philippines

"Recording " 1998-2008


An Ink Pen, like a computer mouse is used as an instrument or a tool to record the hand movement, using a computer tablet with a piece of paper on top.
Each hand movement, using the Ink Pen records different patterns or graphics on the paper each time the Ink Pen is moved to different points. As this is connected to the PC, whenever you use the Ink Pen to click on particular entries from the computer monitor, either you click on the file, start or use the pen in sliding motion. Such activity will record particular lines and angles, which will create graphic arts or drawings.
The artist started to have this recording using the Ink Pen done on a daily basis since March 10, 1998. If we compute how many recordings have been done from the start, the artist accumulated thousands of recordings to this date.
Most important for an art collector is to have original drawings made by an Artist. Since this is not an Art Work but merely a recording of an artist, will it be considered art or not? Number of finished drawings =3724 after this pen was broken

ink on paper / 40cm x 30cm

I load the picture !!!